Why Choose Out-of-hospital Birth?

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Water birth is one option offered with out-of-hospital birth.

Out-of-hospital birth offers:

  • a safe alternative to hospital birth if you are healthy and are low-risk for pregnancy problems

  • the ability to give birth in the privacy and comfort of your own home, or home-like office surrounded by the people of your choice

  • the ability to maintain control over your environment; no procedures done without your consent

  • continuous one-on-one care by midwife, with whom you have a well-established trusting relationship

  • increased opportunity for natural, spontaneous childbirth without interference of uncomfortable institutional routines and medical intervention

  • option available for labor and/or birth in water

  • optimal opportunity to establish successful breastfeeding and get rest after the birth

  • a cost-effective plan for childbirth which is covered by most insurance

  • no separation from your baby or your family - enhanced bonding with baby