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The Happiest Baby DVD is included FREE as part of a Parent Kit when you attend a Happiest Baby class
Dr. Karp's techniques help calm fussy babies.



Magic? A miracle? No, it’s a reflex!™



Are You Ready to be a Parent?

New babies are such a blessing, but they can also bring with them sleepless nights, crying, and sometimes quite a bit of extra stress.

Learn an extraordinary approach to keeping your baby happy. In our Happiest Baby Class, new parents will learn step-by-step how to help their baby sleep better and how to soothe even the fussiest baby in minutes...even seconds!

Magic? A miracle? No, it’s a reflex! Our class is based on the highly effective, new approach to babies pioneered by Dr. Harvey Karp in his best-selling book and DVD, “The Happiest Baby on the Block.”

Parents will also learn:

• Why the idea that colic is due to gas pains is mostly an old wives tale.

• Why keeping the house quiet may actually be upsetting to many newborns.

• Why most babies get more upset in the evening.

• Why it's impossible to spoil young babies.

• An easy way to help infants sleep a few hours more at night.

• Why fathers are often the best baby calmers in the family.

Please join us!

The cost of this unique, innovative class is only $40.00, which includes a Parent Kit (containing your choice of The Happiest Baby on the Block VHS or DVD and Soothing Sounds CD -- a $40 retail value)

To register for our next class, contact Rebecca at 525-BABY (525-2229).



A new mom herself, certified educator Rebecca Hoori has tested Dr. Karp's methods with her own baby


Walla Walla joins hundreds of cities across the nation to offer a new national parenting program called The Happiest Baby.  Half of all new babies cry and fuss more than two hours a day. Their prolonged wails often trigger exhaustion, breastfeeding failure, marital stress, maternal depression, and even child abuse. But all that is about to change! The first 100 certified Happiest Baby educators, including Rebecca Hoori, have been trained in the innovative new approach of renowned pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp.  Rebecca will offer new or expectant parents  the opportunity to learn Dr. Karp's extraordinary techniques for quickly calming fussy babies and helping them to sleep longer.